Saturday, August 10, 2013

A few photos of Kigoma, Lake Tanganyika, and chimp tracking

Notice how close we are to the baboons. 

The female named Golden.

Hello from Uganda!
These pictures are from our Study Abroad Trip in Kigoma. We were able to take a side trip for two days to Gombe National Park. Gombe National Park is the first reserve started by Dr. Jane Goodall and it is where she began to habituate the chimps.  Luckily, we were able to track in the afternoon upon arrival and early morning the following day. We were fortunate to have an exceptional track on both days. On the first day we followed Golden's family. Golden, who has a baby, met up with her two sisters' that also have young chimps. They sat with us for hours as they groomed, played, and ate. It was remarkable.
We were able to stay at Dr. Jane's homestead while we were there. The accomodations are rustic; it is an open air concrete structure with an out house. You can see her collection of chimp skeletons pictured above.
Lake Tanganyika also proved to be impressive. The second deepest lake in the world looked like an ocean.  It is clean, and not over fished, like Lake Victoria.
I also included my favorite picture of the Berry College students with the kids from Sanganigwa Orphanage. This photo was taken on our last night when we gave the children gifts and a donation for the school.
Enjoy and sorry for the delay! More field pictures to follow!


  1. Beautiful pictures! Thank you, Tamie. What a chance to see the chimps of Gombe. One day I would love to visit this place, too.

    However, I am looking forward to your next news and pictures. Please, give my warm regards to Julie.

    All the best

  2. Thanks, Edda! We have just started field work and am trying to catch up! We still hope to meet you and Micheal at Mt. Elgon!
